Recruitment Robot

My Role: Co-Founder, Product Design, Design Lead

The Recruitment Robot is a gamified experience where users unlock a recruitment robot by forming a team. Adopting a robot allows users to subscribe to job postings and updates from a specific industry.

User Experience Map

Design Challenge

This is our first promotion activity in the form of a small program. From the initiation of the project to the landing, there are many things to learn in each link. Team unlocking is logically equal to zero-yuan group buying, which is not a new challenge from a business perspective. But the operation team hopes that we can create a visually attractive performance. Therefore, we chose a game-like expression, and created the Icebear IP as a robot image that meets different industries.

Final Design


The data of the online 2 months shows that the number of people in the group reached twice the number of people in the group, and the subscription volume and new users have achieved good growth. Therefore, later we also added this activity page to the Tab Bar of the small program as a long-term activity entrance.